

Jason L. Brock, a member of the HPTN 096 study, is a peer supporter guiding Black gay, bisexual, same-gender loving, and other men who have sex with men in Dallas. His background includes education, grant management, program development, and advocacy. Jason's goal is for others to become better educated and help people overcome the stigma of receiving proper care and treatment. He holds a bachelor's degree in business management with coursework in applied science in education.

Josias da Silva Freitas is a community educator and liaison for the Black community at the Instituto de Pesquisa Clinica Evandro Chagas (IPEC) CRS in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He has worked at IPEC CRS since the early 1990s as part of the community education team recruiting and engaging populations deemed most vulnerable, especially the Black community, accessing, welcoming, and promoting HIV prevention and linkage to care.

Dr. Sunil Suhas Solomon, a member of the HPTN Substance Use Scientific Committee and HPTN 103 protocol team, is a professor of medicine and epidemiology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, Md. His research primarily focuses on preventing and treating HIV, viral hepatitis, and other infectious diseases among vulnerable populations such as people who inject drugs.