

Charles Chasakara is the CTU Community Engagement Coordinator at the University of Zimbabwe-University of California San Francisco Clinical Trials Unit in Harare, Zimbabwe. Charles currently works on HPTN 076, HVTN 703/HPTN 081 and HPTN 082.

Nyaradzo Mavis Mgodi, (MBChB, MMed) is a histopathologist with 8 years of experience conducting HIV clinical trials in women of reproductive age in Harare, Zimbabwe, the home of the University of Zimbabwe-University of California San Francisco (UZ-UCSF) Collaborative Research Programme, a DAIDS Clinical Trials Unit (CTU). She is lead investigator for the HPTN 076 and HPTN 082 protocols in Harare. She is protocol co-chairperson for HVTN 703/HPTN 081 study, also known as Antibody Mediated Prevention (AMP).

Christopher Hucks-Ortiz, MPH, is an evaluation specialist and currently works at JWCH Institute, a federally qualified health center (FQHC) in Los Angeles, California. He uses his expertise in the community-based HIV prevention research to assess the impact of federally-funded protocols on disenfranchised communities. 


Dr. Landovitz completed his training at Princeton University and Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital. He served as Medical Co-Director of the Vietnam-CDC-Harvard Medical School-AIDS-Partnership (VCHAP), helping to train Vietnamese physicians in HIV care and treatment. Dr. Landovitz relocated to Los Angeles in 2006, and is currently Associate Professor of Medicine at the UCLA Center for Clinical AIDS Research & Education.