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Nina T Harawa, Russell A. Brewer, Victoria Buckman, Santhoshini Ramani, Aditya Khanna, Kayo Fujimoto, John A Schneider . HIV, Sexually Transmitted Infection, and Substance Use Continuum of Care Interventions Among Criminal Justice-Involved Black Men Who Have Sex With Men: A Systematic Review. Am J Public Health. 2018
Nisha C Gottfredson, Nivedita L Bhushan, H Luz McNaughton Reyes, Audrey E Pettifor, Kathleen Kahn . Effects of Early Social Bonds on Adolescent Trajectories of Sexual Risk Behaviors Among South African Girls [HPTN 068]. AIDS Behav. 2022, 26: 1173-1182
Ojeda VD, Amico KR, Hughes JP, Wilson E, Li M, Holtz TH, Chitwarakorn A, Grant RM, Dye BJ, Bekker LG, Mannheimer S, Marzinke M, Hendrix CW . Low Disclosure of PrEP Nonadherence and HIV-Risk Behaviors Associated With Poor HIV PrEP Adherence in the HPTN 067/ADAPT Study. JAIDS. 2019, 82: 34-40
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Palumbo PJ, Grant-McAuley W, Grabowski MK, Zhang Y, Richardson P, Piwowar-Manning E, Sharma D, Clarke W, Laeyendecker O, Rose S, Ha TV, Dumchev K, Djoerban Z, Redd A, Hanscom B, Hoffman I, Miller WC, Eshleman SH. . Multiple Infection and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Superinfection Among Persons who Inject Drugs in Indonesia and Ukraine. J Infect Dis. 2022, 226: 2181-2191
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Ruvani Jayaweera, Dana Goin, Rhian Twine, Torsten Neilands, Ryan Wagner, Sheri Lippman, Kathleen Kahn, Audrey Pettifor, Jennifer Ahern . Associations between WASH-related violence and depressive symptoms in adolescent girls and young women in South Africa (HPTN 068): a cross-sectional analysis. BMJ. 2022, 12: e061032
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