CROI 2018

HPTN researchers presented 11 abstracts covering HPTN 052, 065, 067, 068, 074, 075, and 082 as posters, as well as one themed discussion, at the 25th annual CROI 2018 conference.
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Oliver Laeyendecker, Ph.D., presented Can the LAg-Avidity Assay Measure an Incidence Difference in East Africa? Results indicate LAg-Avidity plus viral load mean duration of recent infection (MDRI) and false recent rate (FRR) assumptions greatly overestimated HIV incidence.
Philip Palumbo, B.A., presented HIV Drug Resistance with Early vs. Delayed Antiretroviral Treatment: HPTN 052. Results indicate new drug resistance at virologic failure was less frequent among participants with early antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation, but this difference was not statistically significant.
Wafaa El-Sadr, M.D., M.P.H., presented Durability of Financial Incentives Effect on Viral Suppression and Continuity in Care. Post discontinuation of financial incentives, data from this large study showed evidence of durable effects of financial incentives, both on viral suppression and continuity in care. These findings suggest that behaviors motivated by financial incentives may last beyond the provision of the financial incentives, increasing the potential cost-effectiveness of this strategy.
Jennifer Velloza, M.P.H., presented Pharmacologic Measure of PrEP Adherence Among High-Risk MSM in HPTN 067. Results indicate that among men who have sex with men (MSM) in HPTN 067, plasma and hair drug concentrations and Wisepill™ data were correlated with one another.
Nadia Nguyen, M.S.P.H., presented Sexual Partner Type and Risk of Incident HIV-Infection Among Adolescent Girls in HPTN 068. Results indicate sexual partnerships are complex and deserve approaches that capture and address complexities, not mask them.
Mariya Sivay, Ph.D., presented Natural Control of HIV Infection in a Cohort of Young Women in South Africa: HPTN 068. Results indicate 34 (15.7%) of 216 young women in this cohort from rural South Africa were virally suppressed at one or more study visits in the absence of antiretroviral (ARV) drug use.
Yinfeng Zhang, Ph.D., presented ARV Drug Use and HIV Resistance Among Young Women in South Africa (HPTN 068). Results indicate ARV drug use was not detected among HIV-uninfected women in this cohort from rural South Africa. Among the women who were using ARV drugs, many were not virally suppressed and many had HIV drug resistance. This suggests a need for broader HIV/AIDS education and ART counseling in the study communities
William Miller, M.D., Ph.D., M.P.H., presented Impact of Systems Navigation and Counseling on ART, SUT, and Death in PWID: HPTN 074. In this vanguard study of a scalable, integrated HIV intervention for people who inject drugs (PWID), ART and maximally assisted therapy (MAT) uptake doubled, mortality was reduced by more than 50%, and no HIV incident cases were identified among HIV-uninfected partners of indexes receiving the intervention.
Jessica Fogel, M.S., presented Reliability of Self-Reported HIV Status Among African MSM Screened for HPTN 075. Results indicate self-report plus ARV drug testing provided a more accurate estimate of the frequency of previously diagnosed infections than self-report alone.
Yinfeng Zhang, Ph.D., presented ARV Drug Use and HIV Drug Resistance Among MSM in sub-Saharan Africa (HPTN 075). Results indicate among HIV-infected participants screened for participation in HPTN 075, 65.6% were not on ART at the screening visit. Among HIV-infected participants who were on ART, 17.4% were not virally suppressed. These findings underscore the importance of improving HIV care for African MSM.
Connie Celum, Ph.D., presented Risk Behavior, Perception, and Reasons for PrEP Among Young African Women in HPTN 082. In this PrEP demonstration project among South African and Zimbabwean young women, most young women were at risk through having an older partner, uncertainty about their partner’s HIV status or whether he had other partners, and inconsistent condom use.
Themed Discussion
Risk behavior, perception, and reasons for PrEP among young African women in HPTN 082
Presented by Connie Celum