

Name Primary Email Institution Name Alias Lists
Core CRS PIs Asia Core CRS PIs
Core CTU PIs Asia Core CTU PIs
Protocol Specific CRS PIs Asia Protocol Specific CRS PIs
Protocol Specific CTU PIs Asia Protocol Specific CTU PIs
Aida Asmelash HPTN 084 HIV, HPTN 083 HIV, HPTN 083-01 CMC, HPTN 084-01 CMC, CoVPN 3502 Internal Team, CoVPN 3502 - REGN 2069 Core Team, CoVPN 3502 - REGN 2069 Protocol Team, CoVPN 3502 - REGN 2069 Operations, CoVPN 3502 - REGN 2069 Safety, CoVPN 3502 - REGN 2069 Finance, CoVPN 3502 - REGN 2069 Lab Team, Leadership and Operations Center, HPTN 084 All Sites, HPTN 083-01 Sites, HPTN 083 CMC, CoVPN 3503 Protocol Development, CoVPN 3503 Operations, CoVPN 3504 Core Team, CoVPN 3504 Internal Team, HPTN 102 Protocol Team, HPTN 102 LOC Team, HPTN 084-01 Protocol Team, HPTN 084-01 Sites, HPTN 104 Protocol Team, HPTN 084 CMC, HPTN 106 Protocol Team, HPTN 102 CMC, HPTN 103 CMC, HPTN 103 Protocol Team, HPTN 103 LOC Team, HPTN 106 LOC Team, HPTN 084 SMC
Support Us aspidersolution
Fraser Assistant HPTN 071 Economics/Modeling WG, HPTN 071 Phylogenetics WG, HPTN 071 Protocol Team, HPTN 071 Publications Working Group, HPTN 071 Protocol Team Roster
Sergio Miguel Astorne HPTN 083 PI
Elizabeth Astupina HPTN 083 Lab, HPTN 083 Lab Shipping
Maridel Asuncion CoVPN 3502 Study Coordinators
Research Pharmacist at UofMiami
Nanut Atcharojarek HPTN 083 Pharmacists of Record
Mary Atha HPTN 106 Hope Clinic CRS
Priscilla Atim HPTN 084-01 Lab
Aaron Atkins Community: HPTN 083 CWG, Community Working Group
Kait Atkins HPTN 068 Authors
HPTN 096 Study Community Atlanta HPTN 096 Intervention Study Communities, HPTN 096 Non-Pilot Intervention Study Communities
Millicent Atujuna HPTN 082 Qualitative Team, Socio-Behavioral Working Group, Socio-Behavioral Working Group - Socio Economic Status
Chatsuda Auchieng
Judy Auerbach
Vasanthi Avadhanula CoVPN 5002 Lab
Oriel Averion HPTN 083 US Pharmacist of Record, HPTN 083 Pharmacists of Record
Anchalee Avihingsanon HPTN 083 PI, Protocol Specific CRS PIs Asia
Enrique Avila Community: HPTN 083 South America CWG, Community: HPTN 083 CWG, Community Working Group
Katrina Avila
Maxine Awekey HPTN 104 Chairs, HPTN 104 Protocol Team, Leadership and Operations Center, HPTN Clinical Trials Assistants, HPTN 083 CMC, HPTN 083 CTU, HPTN 083 Data Management, HPTN 083 IoR, HPTN 083 Lab, HPTN 083 Lab Shipping, HPTN 083 Pharmacists of Record, HPTN 083 Protocol Deviations, HPTN 083 Protocol Team, HPTN 083 Safety Reports, HPTN 083 Study Coordinators, HPTN 083 US IoRs and Study Coordinators, Community: HPTN 083 Asia CWG, Community: HPTN 083 CWG, Community: HPTN 083 South America CWG, Community: HPTN 083 US CWG, HPTN 083 Management, Community: HPTN 091 CWG, HPTN 091 Site PHN, HPTN 091 ACASI, HPTN 091 CMC, HPTN 091 DHI, HPTN 091 DM, HPTN 091 US IoRs, HPTN 091 Lab, HPTN 091 Lab Shipping, HPTN 091 PHN, HPTN 091 PI, HPTN 091 POR, HPTN 091 PT, HPTN 091 Safety Reports, HPTN 091 SC, HPTN 083 Data Team, HPTN 112 Core Team, HPTN 112 LOC Team, HPTN 112 Protocol Team, HPTN 091 Management, Socio-Behavioral Working Group - Socio Economic Status, HPTN 084 Implementation Team, HPTN 112 Site, HPTN 112 Protocol Deviations, HPTN 084 All Sites, HPTN 084 Protocol Team
Eucabeth Awuonda Community: HPTN 084 CWG, Community Working Group
Helen Ayles ZAMBART Clinical Research Site HPTN 071 Protocol Team, Community: HPTN 071 Community, HPTN 071 Population Cohort WG, HPTN 071 Ethics WG, HPTN 071 Communications WG, HPTN 071 Phylogenetics WG, HPTN 071 Leads, HPTN 071 Publications Working Group, HPTN 071 VL-DR, HPTN 071 Economist WG, HPTN 071 Intervention WG, HPTN 071 Economics/Modeling WG, HPTN 071 Critical Event, HPTN 071 Adolescents, HPTN 071 Misdiagnosis, HPTN 071 Protocol Team Roster, Community Working Group, HPTN 071 Secondary Endpoints, HPTN 071 Publications Review Team
Folusakin Ayoade
Ada Azaryan Technical Resources International, Inc.
Sarah Azimi Leadership and Operations Center, HPTN 083 CTU, HPTN 084 All Sites, HPTN 083-01 & 084-01 Operations Team, CoVPN Regeneron Operations Team, CoVPN Surveillance Operations Team, CoVPN 3502 - REGN 2069 Protocol Team, CoVPN 3502 - REGN 2069 Finance, CoVPN Supplies, CoVPN 3502 South Africa Regulatory Team, CoVPN 3502 Internal Team, CoVPN Finance, HPTN Finance, CoVPN 3503 Protocol Development, CoVPN 3503 Operations, CoVPN 3504 Internal Team, CoVPN 3504 Core Team, HPTN 083-01 Protocol Team, HPTN 084-01 Protocol Team, HPTN 102 LOC Team, HPTN 102 Protocol Team, HPTN 103 LOC Team, HPTN 103 Protocol Team
Lindiwe Baba HPTN 084 Contraceptive Action Team
Oyetola Serah Babarinde HPTN 084-01 Sites, HPTN 084 Pharmacists of Record
Amber Babinec Leadership and Operations Center, HPTN 084-01 Lab, HPTN 083-01 & 084-01 Protocol Team, HPTN 083-01 & 084-01 Operations Team, HPTN 083-01 CMC, HPTN 083-01 Management, HPTN 083-01 Protocol Team, HPTN 083-01 Safety Reports, HPTN 083-01 Sites, HPTN 084-01 CMC, HPTN 084-01 Management, HPTN 084-01 Protocol Deviations, HPTN 084-01 Protocol Team, HPTN 084-01 Safety Reports, HPTN 083-01 & 084-01 SMC, Community: 084-01 CWG, HPTN Clinical Trials Assistants, Study Operations, CoVPN 3503 Protocol Development, CoVPN 3503 Operations, CoVPN 3504 Core Team, CoVPN 3504 Internal Team, HPTN 084-01 Qualitative Team, HPTN 084-01 Publications, HPTN 083-01 Publications Committee, HPTN 096 Health Equity Working Group, HPTN 096 Health Equity PACC Hub, HPTN 083-01 Qualitative Team, HPTN 096 Protocol Team Call, HPTN 096 Health Equity Implementers, HPTN 096 SMI Working Group, HPTN 096 Operations, HPTN 096 Social Media Core Group, HPTN 096 Integrated Strategy Working Group, HPTN 096 Community Advisory Group, HPTN 096 Social Media Advisory Group
Shakira Babirye Baylor-Uganda CRS
Maritza Margot Baca HPTN 083 PI
Jose Bacellar PPD
Christina Bacher HPTN 083 Study Coordinators
Sharlaa Badel-Faesen HPTN 052 Investigators of Record, HPTN 052 Johannesburg, HPTN 052 Full Team
Lindsey Baden CoVPN mAb Sites, CoVPN 3502 Sites
Kate Bader SCHARP-FHCRC HPTN 063 Protocol Team
Cyrus Badshah
Jennifer Baer Community: HPTN 083 US Community Educator, HPTN 083 Study Coordinators, HPTN 083 US IoRs and Study Coordinators, Community Working Group
Douglas Baeta HPTN 052 Laboratory
Jared Baeten Integrated Strategies Science Committee, HPTN 082 Protocol Team, HPTN 082 Behavioral Assessments Subgroup, HPTN 082 Core Team, Women at Risk Scientific Committee
Breanne Baez HPTN 083 Study Coordinators, HPTN 083 Safety Reports, HPTN 083 US IoRs and Study Coordinators
Eduardo Baez New York Blood Center, Project Achieve
Danstan Bagenda Makerere University- JHU Research Collaboration {MUJHU CARE LTD} CRS HPTN 027 Protocol Team, HPTN 046 Protocol Team
Allan Baguma HPTN 084 All Sites, HPTN 084 Baylor Uganda, HPTN 084 Start Stop F2F Concept
Xu Mei Bai HPTN 083 Lab, HPTN 083 Lab Shipping, HPTN 096 Lab Field Team